
Shari is an award winning screenwriter and has vast experience writing voiceover material for corporate promotional videos as well as short form scripts. Her screenplay NUMBERS was recently published by Screenplay Press. In 2024, she will be releasing a book about how to survive the indie film world with your sanity intact.

Numbers (Screenplay)

Written by Shari Berman, Published by (Screen)play Press

In a society where people have numbers instead of names, a young woman must gain the courage to go against the safety of her computerized world in order to rescue her long-lost brother and avoid losing her own humanity. Numbers is a humorous science fiction screenplay with an intricately crafted world, quirky characters and a thought provoking view of the future of civilization.

“The narrative is engrossing, driven by exceptional suspense that compels readers to stay engaged until the very last page.”
Omobolanle Savage, onlinebookclub
Read the full review here.