Building Strong Connections in Independent Filmmaking

Mostly to survive the insanity of the indie film world. It's really important to have strong connections within. And I'm not talking about people that are going to make your career because they're not going to make your career. Nobody's going to make your career. You're going to make your career. I'm talking about people who are going to be supportive of you and there for you when you have problems, because they're they've been there, too.

That's the kind of people you need around you, people who are going to bolster you up, push you to keep going because they keep going and just aren't inspires art. And to meet those people, the best way to do it, honestly, is to join some groups. I'm not talking about the groups on Facebook with 150,000 people on them.

Those are great because you can learn a lot and see a lot of cool stuff. I'm talking about groups that are local to your community wherever you are. There's a film community out there. Find those people, find smaller groups online that meet up, talk, have coffee and share experiences. That's how you make friends and build relationships.


Mastering the Art of Visual Storytelling