The Laws of Physics

I work a full-time job, make films, write this blog, cook dinner, walk the dog, try to have a life and now I’m podcasting/vlogging. I know, you are thinking my head is going to explode. (I actually think it is more likely to implode based on the laws of physics as there is more pressure on me than coming from within me but I digress.)

Why do I do so many things? I often ponder this. Have I gone insane? Who do I think I am? Why is my dog looking at me like that?

Let’s take a look at the basic laws of motion to delve into this. (I want state clearly that I am no physicist, just a person that likes science fiction movies and learned enough to understand what the heck the characters are talking about…most of the time.)

In the first law, an object will not change its motion unless a force acts on it. In the second law, the force on an object is equal to its mass times its acceleration. In the third law, when two objects interact, they apply forces to each other of equal magnitude and opposite direction.

Okay, so going with the first law, let’s pretend the film industry is the object and the voice of the indie filmmaker is the force. The film industry projects this view of what success is and I know for a #$%@ fact that it is wrong. So, I feel the need to propel this in a new direction with everything I’ve got. (Use the force, Shari. Oh, yeah, the distorted quotes are coming…) And yes, I know, I am not the only experienced filmmaker out there, but I am one who is not concerned with speaking the truth. Orson Welles died before he could give me the rich and famous contract, so I have nothing to lose. (I know, The Muppet Movie is more of a fantasy film than a science fiction one.) Also, I’m not out to hurt anyone. I just want to open up the conversation and share knowledge. (The truth is out there, and I am willing to divulge it.)

Going with the second law (sort of), in order to be successful at unmasking the BS that I just cannot take anymore (I’ve been doing this for a couple of decades, and I’ve hit a breaking point, that’s not a quote…just a fact) I need to hit the film industry with a lot of force because it’s enormous. To do this, I need to use all the tools at my disposal. (I came here to kick ass and chew bubblegum and I’m all out of bubblegum…but I do have this computer…) Plus there are many so-called industry experts out there taking advantage of struggling artists, promising them without really promising them legally to give them advice that will change their artistic path for an exorbitant fee and I think that is just wrong. I may not be famous. I may not have a great aura around me like these people, but I have a lot of experience (much more than many of them) and no ulterior motives. (The cake is a lie and I’m gluten intolerant anyway.)

And the third law, well, I am hoping this can propel many of us in a new direction. I’m hoping to help each of you move forward on your journey. (There’s only one rule that I know of, artists – God Damn it, you’ve got to be kind.)


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